skewer grill
Portable  fire  pits

GRANDEG deSign - high quality interior and garden goods for Your daily needs and special occasions.

GRANDEG is a Latvian company; our specialized wood pellet boilers are used to heat homes and various other premises in many countries already for more than 20 years. Tailored technical solutions, pellet storage systems and containerized boiler houses are also part of our work. Welcome to check for more information.

As our production developed, we had the idea and the wish not only to heat homes, but also to create warm feelings. Our design products were not drafted by accident or calculation: initially, we made them for ourselves. When we saw that people were interested in them and wanted to also have such items, we understood that You also deserve to enrich Your daily lives and festive occasions. That is how the first GRANDEG deSign products were created: a garden grill, a portable fire pit and a decorative metal design bowl; each of these harmonically combine aesthetics and practical considerations due to great attention paid to every design aspect and feature. We are proud to know that our designs will serve well for a long time and create a truly festive feeling at Your home. We continue to work on new products with inspiration.

Our creative team, or three heads are better than one:
ANDRIS - with his creative approach, he is the main engine and drive of this effort, and manages, coordinates, organizes it.

DANA - creates designs with swishes of a pencil, carrying them from phantasies and idea sketches to perfect forms and precious content.

OSKARS - gives life to any improbable idea and uses his technical vision to make sure that aesthetic designs are also functional.